Baking Recipe - Hot Cookie Dough

I love baking cookies and had all the ingredients to make some but didn't fancy just cookies so I decided to attempt a hot cookie dough instead. I had a recipe for this but made a couple of amendments, so what I used is as follows:

125g butter, at room temperature
200g sugar*
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
225g self raising flour
1 tsp salt
150g chocolate chips ( I used a mix of milk and white chocolate)

*I used caster sugar and didn't like the colour of these much so next time I will use either golden caster sugar or light soft brown sugar.

I have a KitchenAid which I love and use for almost all of my baking.

Preheat the oven to gas mark 6 / 200 / or 180 fan and line an ovenproof dish with grease proof or baking paper.

To start, I cream the butter for a minute or two in the KitchenAid to make sure it is really soft, then add in the sugar and mix for at least 5 minutes, stopping at least once to scrape the mixture from the sides.

Next, add in the egg and vanilla and beat well, again scraping the sides.

(I was going to use chocolate and cut it into chunks but decided to use chocolate chips instead.)

Add in the flour and salt and mix until combined.

Finally, add in your chocolate chips.

Put the mixture into your prepared dish and press down until it is the same thickness.

**I found the cooking time was longer than the original recipe I had suggested. This said 15 minutes but I found that the dough was still too raw and it needed another 10 minutes. My dough was quite thick in the dish so I would imagine a larger dish, and therefore thinner dough, would take less time than the 25 minutes mine needed.**

Cook in the oven for between 15 and 25 minutes, depending on the size of your baking dish.
Serve whilst still hot and gooey inside, with either cream or ice cream.

Please excuse the orientation of the photos, I will try to correct.
